For those who have visited this blog in the past.
Victor is a product that sprung from my college gratuate’s final project, in order to obtain my degree at Université de Montréal’s design department. The project was called Recadrer le vélo. Reframe the Bicycle.
Sustenable development is definitely a major topic ot today. Some use it only for the brand attached to this definition. My point of view is different. It needs to be a prority in every project I get into.
Il all began with this question:
"If the bicycle is the standard bearer for sustainable transportation, shouldn't the object itself communicate the same message?"
When we observe the evolution of the bicycle in the past, it’s easy to observe that sustable devellopment was never a priority. The major bike makers focused on perfermance, weight and the new economic market. It was a major challenge to try to redefine the main essence of what a bicycle is and to confront all the archetypes that come with all the images we have of this object regardless of its history.
Reducing the material weight, optimising the manufacturing process, using recyclabe and recycled materials, simplifying the disassembling and the separation of materials at the end of life are technical points which have to be respected during the development of a sustenable product. I believe in Mr. Jonathan Chapman's philosophy — EMOTIONALLY DURABLE DESIGN — where the object presenting the best environmental qualities are the ones that we love, to whom we become attached and the ones we preserve.
Victor is not only the result of a quantifiable analysis work following a protocol of green engineering, but an object that has an irreplaceable role to our everyday life.
I tried to show the elegance and the grace which a bicycle can have through everyday use. A companion to the everyday life that joins us in what I consider to be a respectable and admirable lifestyle. I created an object which harmonizes with the townscape while respecting the charisma and the dignity of the cyclist: such values I hold dearly.
Réduire le lot de matières, optimiser les procédés de fabrication, utiliser des matériaux recyclables et recyclés, simplifier le démontage et la séparation des matériaux en fin de vie sont des points techniques qui se doivent d’être respectés lors du développement d’un produit et non uniquement sous l’étiquette quelque peu galvaudé d’éco conception.
Toutefois, je crois en la philosophie de M. Jonathan Chapman, où les objets présentant les meilleures qualités environnementales sont ceux que l’on chérit, auxquels on s’attache et que l’on conserve dans le temps. Victor n’est pas uniquement une analyse quantifiable suivant un protocole d’ingénierie verte, mais bien un objet détenant un rôle irremplaçable dans notre quotidien.
J’ai cherché à défendre l’élégance et la grâce que représente le déplacement à vélo. Un compagnon du quotidien qui s’inscrit dans ce que je considère comme autant un rythme de vie respectable et admirable.
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