Victor se balade
Victor se balade en effet! Sur le web et dans la rue. Quelques sites Internet et blogs ont porté Victor à l’attention de leurs lecteurs. Des lecteurs qui ont également pris parole et souligné certains points pertinents. D'abord, il y a ceux qui apprécient le prototype : à tous je vous dis merci!
Il y a également ceux qui remettent en question le résultat proposé. Parmi ceux-ci, un nombre suffisamment important qui doute que le tout fonctionne.
its beautiful! with that said, id give it a month before it breaks! shame. way too many stresses, unless that rear fender acts as some kind of brace? and takes the pressure off that rear axel?
Obviously designed by someone who knows fukk-all about the physics of cycling. The torsional deflection of this frame would make it dangerous to ride especially in traffic. Would you fly a hang-glider where some 'designer' removed half the struts to give it a 'minimalist' look? Form - maybe; Functon - NIL. Why no photo of the bike actually in use
Le garde-boue joue effectivement un rôle structurel dans ce concept. Il y a également le garde-chaîne, qui n’est pas présent sur toutes les photos, mais qui prend le rôle qu’effectue la base arrière droite normalement.
L’idée n’est pas d’affaiblir la structure d’un vélo, mais bien d’utiliser ce qui est accessoire pour les faire évoluer vers un rôle structurel.
Most stupid bike ever! Go back designing toilet paper rolls:)
Je n’ai pas de réponse... sinon que j’ai souri!
Je tiens à rappeler que Victor fut développé dans un cadre académique et que j’étais seul, sinon sous la supervision de mon tuteur, M. Cédric Sportes. Le développement et la matérialisation se sont déroulés en 3 mois. Il y a eu, évidemment, des consultations externes et le regard d’ingénieurs. L’ensemble des tests mécaniques n’a toutefois pas pu être effectué, contrainte de temps et de budget. D’où un doute, légitime, de certains.
Il n’en reste pas moins que Victor fonctionne, non parfaitement achevé, j’en conviens. Mais suffisamment crédible pour poursuivre le projet.
Ces images ont été capturées à New York plus tôt au cours de cet été. Je crois toujours qu’une image vaut mille mots.
Merci à tous ceux qui apprécient ce projet. Je suis honnête, la reconnaissance est une source de motivation et elle m’incite à poursuivre mon travail.
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui doutent et remettent ce projet en question. C’est ce qui me rappelle et me confirme que j’ai choisi le bon métier. Les acquis sont les plus grandes sources de paresse. La contestation est ce qui permet d’avancer et qui fait naître l’innovation.
Victor is on his way!
Victor, indeed, is on its way! Out on the Web and into the streets. Some Web sites and blogs brought Victor to the attention of their readers. Readers who also spoke and underlined a few relevant points. First, there are those who appreciate the prototype: to all I say Thank You! There are also those who question the proposed result. Among these, a number of comments are important enough and require some answers.
its beautiful! with that said, id give it a month before it breaks! shame. way too many stresses, unless that rear fender acts as some kind of brace? and takes the pressure off that rear axel?
Obviously designed by someone who knows fukk-all about the physics of cycling. The torsional deflection of this frame would make it dangerous to ride especially in traffic. Would you fly a hang-glider where some 'designer' removed half the struts to give it a 'minimalist' look? Form - maybe; Functon - NIL. Why no photo of the bike actually in use
The mudguard (fender) plays effectively a structural role in this concept. There is also the chain guard, not present on all the pictures, but takes on the task that the right base usually assume. The idea is not to weaken the structure of the bike, but indeed to use what is the basic accessory on a commuting bike to make it evolve towards a structural role.
Most stupid bike ever! Go back designing toilet paper rolls:)
No answer... except that I smiled!
Victor was developed as an academic problem and that I was alone, except for some supervision from my project’s director, Mr. Cédric Sportes. The development and the realization took place in 3 months. There were, obviously, some external consultations and a few quick look from engineers. However, all the mechanical tests couldn’t possibly be done (time and budget restrictions) with the results that some doubts were legitimized.
Victor is functional. Not perfectly, I agree, but has enough credibility to pursue the project. These images were captured in New York earlier this summer. I always believed that an image is worth a thousand words.
Thank you to those who appreciate this project.
A special thank to all those who doubt and question this project. It reminds me that I chose the right way and a career that fits me. Experiments that are taken for granted are the biggest sources of laziness. To contest an experiment is what allows it to go forward and create innovation.
Did you know that the original modern bike design from 1885 looked like this?
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Will this bike go into production?
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